Sunday, March 17, 2013

it just keeps getting better and better!

for starters:


Yes, news stills travels fast even when I'm in the MTC (thanks for spilling the dets everyone. I appreciate being kept in the loop!) I'm so happy for you two! I mean, how exciting! You two are both absolute sweethearts and deserve the best of the best(: When I heard the news I did a happy dance in my apt and got the others sisters to join me. We love cute couples! haha. Congratulations my friends(:

Second off:

To the parents: I knew you would love that video! "own that ponytail, work that updo!" ohhh classic. Glad you got to watch it. I was definitely lol-ing out loud when I read that part. I'm, so proud of my parents(:
And, since third time is the charm:
Talk about a charm! Yes, my teachers love my companion and I (por supuesto!) She says that we have the most faith since we always walk into our lessons blind but come out good in the end. That was one of the best compliments ever. The3 language is slowly coming, I'm great at understanding and I tend to be the translator for our class since our teachers will only talk to us in spanish now that we are in our 4th week, but for me to form sentences myself? umm...not great. But I have faith so there we go! Also, Sister Ayala said that we made history here at the MTC and now our "la lata" story is being told to all the newbies to make them feel comforted because of how silly that mess up was and to teach them the importance of dictionary translation and how you may want to ask for a teachers help. Go us. Just making everyone else feel good about themselves! We planned for that to happen(;

What else? The field still isn't open yet but everyone here knows I'm dying to play soccer so we have a pickup game scheduled as soon as it opens. I can't wait!! I did get to run outside yesterday though so that was refreshing and today we are planning on writing all our letters and eating lunch outside. I missed the sun! It's so nice to not freeze right when I walk outside anymore.

Funny stories for this week: Our investigators name is Jose...right? Well do you remember the part in 27 dresses where the blondie says "hola pedro" way white and way slow? Yeah well I quoted that all the time to Jacob and guess what? When our investigator opened the door I said just that... "hol-la pe-dro!" way white and way slow. My teacher (the one playing the role of the investigator) just started laughing and closed the door on our faces. Then he opened the door a few seconds later but was still laughing so after a few mins we finally recovered and got on with the lesson. I now call my teacher Pedro and that day our whole class learned the importance of using the right name. (: haha. Later on in that lesson, my companion was trying to ask how many kids he had and she said "tiene cuarenta hijos" the look on our teachers face was priceless! She had just told him he had 40 kids. yeah. nope!
Oh, dad, you'll be proud, I'm the little handy woman in our apt. I've been fixing broken still, untangled masses of necklaces and fixing the annoying squeaky beds. oh yeahhh

I'm good. I won't be needing another package for a while hopefully. That last package was perfect so thank you! If you do end up sending another one (so not necessary though) i could do with the usual peanut butter and nutella. you know, the good stuff(: haha

I love you all!!! Thanks for all of your love and prayers and letters this week! You're awesome(:

<3 Hermana Watts

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