Sunday, March 24, 2013

and a month is already gone...

Alrighty, I must say that your dinner with the Elders sounded quite hilarious! I'll make sure to keep your tips in mind. We watch so many video demonstrations here and I bet yours would've fit right in. We really don't get to see many dinner conversations, just lessons with investigators, so maybe you'll have to do a redo on that for entertainment purposes.

About that picture that Elder Woolley and I took, you know those tiki guys that we drew on the white board behind us? Well it was clean checks that night and we had vacuumed our classroom, cleaned the window, and cleaned the white board before we took the picture. Well, after we took the picture we forgot to erase our drawings...Next day we go to class and Hermana McGrath was saying: "the Elders next door snuck into our classroom last night after we cleaned it up and they drew these stupid drawings on the board that way we wouldn't pass! I'm so gonna get them back next week." Well, Elder Woolley realized a minute before I did what she was talking about and just started busting up. Then when I caught on, well, next thing you know the four of us (E.W. and his comp Elder Waidman and me and my comp) are all just busting up and the true story came out. yeahhh. Go tiki men!

Alright, time for the summary of my week now but first off, I'm way excited right now because guess what?! I got my flight plans!! Elder Waidman, Elder Woolley, Hermana McGrath, Hermana Montgomery, Hermana Lewis and I are all on the same flight! Who-hoo! We leave April four in the morning -_- That’s going to be a long day. We have a layover in Denver for 2 hours (from 8:44 to 10:50...don't know what time that is in cali) and I can call you guys then. We're flying frontier and there are a lot of scales so hopefully I can figure everything out.

Guess what else?! I gave a talk in sacrament meeting....again...and yes, it was in spanish, and no, I didn't plan at all meaning I totally just winged a talk in spanish. It was about the Book of Mormon, which I only talk about every day, so it wasn't too hard but of course it was nerve racking! The way it works is everyone in our branch writes a talk about the given subject and then President Tyler randomly (or through the spirit) selects one sister and one elder to speak and then the rest of the time is used by someone in our branch presidency or one of their wives and they talk to us in english that way we can actually follow along. Since I spoke my first week I haven’t been preparing a talk since I thought I was out of it since there are about 40 others to choose from, but nope! President Tyler announced my name and I was all "for real?" someone explained to him I spoke just 2 weeks ago but, nope, it was mine turn again! So I went up, totally unprepared, and shared my favorite scripture (Alma 37: 36-37)

“Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.”

...and testimony. Moral of the story: ALWAYS BE PREPARED! Yes, I have been taught that many times but I guess I needed another reminder and I'm sure I'll have plenty other reminders through the rest of my life too. Second moral of the story: Heavenly Father will always help you out! I didn't think I made any sense while I was up there but so many people were telling me later on that that scripture is just what they needed to hear. The spirit was so strong when I shared it, it was remarkable.

Also, this week, on Wednesday, it was my one month mark!! To celebrate I was a host and got to help all of the new sisters move in, get there books, and find their classrooms. It reminded me of just how overwhelmed I was on my first day! I was a host last week too and I get to be a host again this coming week :) It's funny how little things of service like that can be such a thrill.

On Thursday...oh my. My whole district spoke espanol por todo el dia!! It was quite funny since our vocabulary is so limited but it definitely helped us all realize just how much more we need to practice! Let’s just say meal times were uber quiet and when we did start talking it was a lot of hand motions with pieced together words. hahaha.

OH! I also got to see Sam King this week! She was one of my friends (via Anna) from BYU-I. She is so dang cute! And, did I tell you about seeing Landon Creer? Yeah, well I see him everywhere! It's so funny. I think I saw him 4 different times, in 4 different places just yesterday. And for speaking different languages, living on opposite sides of the campus, and arriving here at different times that's a crazy amount. It's nice to have a familiar face to talk to though.

Anyway, time to run! OH and yes, we went all out for St Patty’s day, I’ll send some pictures as proof.

Love you all!!! Talk to you soon. Have a wonderful week :)

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